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Paket Liburan ke Bali

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Banyu Pinaruh

1 hari setelah hari raya saraswati, di pagi hari, umat hindu melakukan ritual beramai ramai pergi ke pantai dan mandi untuk secara simbolis membersihkan diri di hari yang disebut banyu pinaruh.

Makna dari "banyu pinaruh" itu adalah untuk membersihkan diri secara badaniah.Tetapi secara bathin memohon kehadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dalam manifestasinya sebagai Dewa Wisnu untuk memohon penyucian diri.

Banyu Pinaruh is one of Balinese culture procession which is aim to clean the body and soul from ugly influence. This celebration is conducted] Hindu resident in Bali in particular at the morning time. This celebration is common executed at the beach, lake or river. According to Balinese belief, by taking a bath which is more known by Banyu Pinaruh will be able to refresh the body and eliminate the sultry feeling from the routine activity. Banyu Pinaruh is held every six-month and it is executed one day after Saraswati Day. Banyu Pinaruh is one of event entangling all society element from children until the old people and it is one of the event that tourist can see during the holidays in Bali . Sararwati Day / Science Day Descent Science from God Bali News, Balinese TraditionSaraswati Day is important day for Balinese Hindu to celebrate the science descend from the god where Saraswati it self is describe a beautiful goddess bring the learn equipment. Saraswati Goddess is symbolized a beautiful goddess, it is reflecting to the science that is a believed attractive, innovative and beautiful. After the Saraswati Day, it is turn for Balinese Hindu to clean their body and soul to take a bath together at the beach, lake or river. This process was very exciting and amazing because entire of beach in Bali are fulfilled by the people. Alongside of coast, the societies gather while sitting around and some of them take a bath. This procession is started from the early morning until the day time and it is one of the interesting events that we need see once we are in Bali .

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